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Wind Mitigation Inspection
A wind mitigation inspection is a 7-question Florida standard form developed after the 2004 hurricane season. It is designed to give homeowner insurance discounts to homes meeting specific criteria that protect them from high wind events like hurricanes.
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Same-Day Reports
200% Guarantee

Components of the Wind Mitigation Report
Frequently asked questions
How much money will I save on my home insurance?
Estimated savings on home insurance can vary significantly depending on the home. It is best to discuss with your insurance agent what discounts you might qualify for and your estimated savings. Home inspectors can only tell you what your home has, not home much you might save.
How long does an inspection take?
The wind mitigation inspection can take about 30 minutes to an hour. A home inspector will need to walk around your property, go into the attic, and look at all your openings.
When will I receive the home inspection report?
The primary inspection report and reports for any added services (excluding environmental testing) will be completed and sent to you on the same day as the inspection. Usually reports are sent out between 5pm-8pm and will be accessible as soon as the inspection agreement is signed and payment has been made. Reports for indoor air quality tests and radon tests take 48-72 hours to receive from the lab that the tests are sent to for analysis.
Why did I lose insurance credits?
In rare instances, homeowners may lose insurance discounts. This happens because a previous wind mitigation inspection was filled out improperly, meaning a previous inspector marked certain home attributes that were not there. Fortunately, these cases are rare and most homeowners end up saving every year on their insurance premiums.
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