The following is from the CCPIA.
Our commercial inspections comply with the International Standards of Practice for Inspecting Commercial Properties (ComSOP) – the industry-accepted commercial inspection guidelines, and a proven process and system.
Walk-Through Inspection
This is the portion of the service where the inspector conducts a thorough on-site visual examination of the property’s physical condition. The assessment is focused on the building’s critical systems and components, including the following:
- heating and ventilation systems;
- cooling systems;
- plumbing systems;
- mechanical and electrical systems;
- roof surface, drainage, and penetrations;
- exterior elements and fixtures;
- general topography of the building site;
- parking areas and sidewalks (for barriers to accessibility);
- wood decks and balconies;
- basement, foundation, and crawlspace;
- doors, windows, and interior;
- life safety components;
- kitchen (including storage);
- and other areas that are specific to the subject property.
Depending on the scope and needs of the project, we may hire a team of specialists who provide expertise in relevant areas. These may include:
- a plumber;
- an electrician;
- an HVAC contractor;
- a Professional Engineer;
- a commercial kitchen expert; and/or
- an Infrared-Certified® thermal imaging inspector.
Document Procurement and Review
For this portion of the service, we request and review documents and records about the property. Some relevant documents may include lease agreements, Certificates of Occupancy, building and fire code violations, service contracts, repair invoices, and maintenance records. We will also interview person(s) with the most knowledge about the condition of the building. Many potential deficiencies can be identified about a building this way, as well as in reviewing its history. This service will:
- enhance the information obtained during the walk-through survey; and
- provide supporting documentation for the inspection report.
Inspection Report
The final product of a commercial property inspection is the written report. It will contain concise details from the walk-through survey, documents procured, the results of interviews conducted, and any other third-party reports ordered as part of the commercial property inspection.
The inspection report will basically include a detailed summary of our findings. This will provide the client with an inventory of the building’s major systems and components, and an evaluation of their functional and physical condition. These findings will highlight the property’s strengths and potential deficiencies, along with deferred maintenance issues. The inspection report can be used to understand and address the issues that will impact the building from a physical standpoint and financial perspective, as well as the health and safety of the building’s occupants.
Every inspection and subsequent report will be different based on the type of property and its use, the Scope of Work for the inspection, and even the inspector, so previous inspection reports should not be relied upon as an accurate record of its current condition.
Items we report may identify deficiencies related to:
- poor installation and workmanship;
- inadequate design for the intended use;
- deferred maintenance;
- environmental damage or risks; and/or
- systems near the end of their service life.
NOTE: If the client prefers a less formal way of gaining an understanding of the condition of a property, we can perform a walk-through survey and orally communicate his or her observations. However, our contract with the client should specifically state the nature of the walk-through survey, including that no written report will be generated as a result.
Because every commercial inspection project is different, we encourage all potential clients to call for quotes.